Wednesday, April 7, 2010

hurr hurr hurr

Hey you guys! 8D SO!

Easter pretty much kicked me square in the ass this past weekend. I should have known; what else is gonna happen when you go to AB for a day and then come home to HOLY SHIT CHOCOLATE BEST WEEKEND EVER NOMNOMNOM. 8D

So to cut a short story shorter, I gained three pounds the following Monday, but then magically lost them again when I refused to eat anything until I felt dizzy. So now, not only do I feel sluggish and obese, I don't even have the energy to get off my fat ass and go to the damn gym. I do not recommend this method of weight loss. Fuck you, Easter bunny.

ANYWAY. I have found my dream job! I am professionally unemployed! YAY! Actually, I thought about it and decided it would be awesome if I could just go to anime conventions all around the country and sell my shit, like, as a way to make a living. But then again, that's stupid. D: So no.

I'm working on new shit alongside commissions~

JOKER!!!! 8D This will hopefully be just part of a massive circus arc-themed pic. Good luck to me getting any of it done ever. D:


DURP MY BRAIN. There's more BUT I HAVEN'T FINISHED IT YET SO HOLD ON JESUS. Pfft lol Alois' fairies of doooom~ Goddamn it Kuro 2. D:

1 comment:

  1. D: you're making me like Alois. Seriously. Wtf.
