I figure maybe people don't care so much about them because they don't know my OCs. how can you care about a character you don't know, right? XD Well, here's a brief description (mostly because I need to get it out there, not that anyone really cares. D:)
Pic of the main chara's as seen previously:

Center: "Benjamin Meliora" - In a world where dark forces rule over the entire human population through chosen people who channel dark spirits through their bodies, Meliora is taken from his family at a young age to spend a good deal of his life in a cruel penitentiary for children who refuse to accept the dark forces as their rulers. By law, all children who refuse to convert by age 16 are placed in a gas chamber where they are given three days to choose either conversion or death. Upon escaping the chamber at age 16 (in turn, sacrificing the life of his cell mate, Irene, and a prison guard who was his uncle), Meliora stumbles upon a group of mercenaries who fight for the light spirits, Meliora's chosen faith. He is accepted among the mercenaries and told of the prophecy called Seraph's Altar; one in which a channeler of light spirits will appear to the world and lead the mercenaries to a golden age of prosperity...by murdering the dark channelers and all of their followers and an enormous genocide called "The Cleansing". Much to sweet, innocent Meliora's chagrin, the mercenaries work toward that goal, killing off one dark channeler at a time.
Right of Meliora: "Jonathan Eldridge" - The son of the current patriarch, Jonathan leads the mercenaries in place of his father, who is dying of a blood disease. He is very stern and his belief in the coming of the Seraph's Altar and the reign of the light spirits is completely unwavering. He accepts Meliora as one of their own on the condition that he learn to fight in order to kill dark chanellers for the sake of their cause. Jonathan is unforgiving of those who favor dark spirits and therefore has no issue murdering them, claiming they are "but a stain on what the world could be." The story of Seraph's Altar is depicted on the white sashes he wears. He is the only mercenary other than the patriarch who is allowed to wear black, as "his holiness overshadows any darkness that may befall him." He also wields a long sword.
Left of Meliora: "Isabel Rochette" - The matriarch of the mercenaries, Rochette was appointed to such a status not because of any relation to Jonathan, but rather because she is more capable and knowledgeable than perhaps any other mercenary. She is very reserved, quiet, serious and only speaks truths; in fact she carries a book on her hip called 'The Book of Truths' and is often seen reading it and reciting from it, though no one else has ever seen its pages. While she carries herself pleasantly, she has a sinister aura about her that makes Meliora uneasy. It is later revealed that she wants to eliminate all channellers...not just the dark ones, in favor of humans leading their own race without the aid of divine forces. Meliora notices that Jonathan is the only one who knows the true Rochette and often wonders why he is afraid of let her out of his sight...She wields a large wooden club adorned with metal wire. She sets it on fire like an enormous torch during battle.
Left of Rochette: "Marcus Eldridge" - The younger brother of Jonathan, Marcus is resentful of his brother for being next in line for patriarch, but more so because he himself had been ostracized by the entire clan due to his dark hair and wild nature. While never wishing to oppose the mercenary's cause, he is rebellious and tends to push boundaries and lash out for the sake of attention. Jonathan views his brother's behavior as 'appalling' and often times refuses to acknowledge him as family, choosing to only associate with him during battle. Meliora finds a friend in Marcus while Marcus claims, quite loudly, that Meliora 'is like the brother he never had.' The children and teenagers of the mercenaries tend to flock to Marcus as they see him as a breath of fresh air and rebellious fun in a stiflingly traditional atmosphere. Despite his childishness, Marcus wishes he could be more composed and ends up falling in love with Rochette for her reserved and regal charm. He wields two bizarre, sword-like blades that curve out on either side and are connected by a long, gold chain called 'Hook Shanks'...Or as he calls them, 'Stab Grapples'. lol
Right of Jonathan: "Celia Mally" - Orphaned at a young age, Celia was taken in and adopted by Jonathan, who was a close friend of her father. A tomboy who loves discovering and building things, Celia has a wild streak that more often than not, sends Jonathan up the wall as he tries to raise her to be a proper lady. At age 9, she is not only family to both Jonathan and Marcus, but also a valuable asset to the mercenaries due to her uncanny ability to build elaborate traps out of practically nothing. She and Meliora both hold the same contempt for killing people, no matter what their faith, but continue to stay loyal to the people they have grown to know as family. Despite her carefree demeanor, Celia often has night terrors about the murder of her father.
RIGHT! D: That's all of them. I hope they sound half-way appealing. >_>
Oh, and here's more Meliora art.

A better look at his clothes. Mercenaries can't wear dark colors...
Man I do love your characters so. 8D
ReplyDeleteYou had better make their story into a comic! D: So many people would read it <3
*feels like a stalker, lol*
Ohoooo~ Sounds pretty interesting. I like how there's kind of that... unclear line between good and bad. That all the light guys are basically murdering all the dark... HMMM. I don't blame poor Meliora and Celia for feeling kinda iffy about it. Haha.